Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Post-Valentine's Day News & Notes

Alright ladies, get your heads outta the empty chocolate boxes and turn off the Gerard Butler movies.  It's time for some hockey, beotches.


- Erik Gudbranson talks about dressing up like a girl for rookie hazing...it's pretty funny.

- Dominic Moore was fined $2,500 for interfereing with Ruslan Fedotenko and injuring him.

- Mike Comrie has called it quits after ten seasons.

- The Oilers have re-signed Andy Sutton to a one-year extension.  We would make an 'expert' joke but we're getting lazy.

- PuckDaddy has a great interview with John Tavares, one of the more underrated players in the league right now.  It feels weird saying that about a number one pick.

- Dustin Penner served pancakes at a local iHop for charity.  We love it.

- The Penguins held their annual Pens & Pins.

- Tuomo Ruutu has an upper-body injury and will be out for at least two weeks.  Uh, that's not good news.

- Flyers forward Zac Rinaldo was suspended for two games for an illegal hit on Jonathan Ericsson.

- The Jets and Ducks traded minor players, Riley Holzapfel to the Ducks for Maxime Macenauer.

- Kris Versteeg is thriving in Florida and we couldn't be happier for the guy.  Hopefully Dale keeps him in the Sunshine State.

Leftover VD Stuff:

- PuckDaddy has some funny VD candy hearts for players and Pierre McGuire.

- We're sure you've already seen it but it's worth posting again.  Cabbie takes Taylor Hall, Jordan Eberle and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins to get puppies for their 'girlfriends'.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Valentine's Day Letter: Hall & Eberle

This letter may or may not be true. How could it not? Everyone knows how much Hall needs/loves/worships Eberle.It's quite obvious.

Valentine's Day Letter: Brendan Shanahan & Steve Yzerman

An oldie but a goodie.Everyone has a mancrush on Yzerman but Shanahan has it the worst.

Valentine's Day Letter: Carlson & Alzner

Carlson may pretend that he doesn't care but you know he's BFFs with Alzner. It's yet another awesome bromance from the Capitals.What is in the water there?

Valentine's Day Letter: Duchene & Stastny

We all know that our little son Duchene is obsessed with Stastny. And we totally approve because he's a good influence on our son.

Valentine's Day Letter: Wilson & Spaling

Another underrated friendship but one that is adorable and we get to witness in the Music City.They're like a mini-Weber & Suter.

Valentine's Day Letter: Ovechkin & Semin

This might be the most obvious VD letter ever.They don't even hide. Although, Backstrom is slowly creeping in between them...

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

Valentine's Day Letter: Toews & Kane

Toews can't fool us with his eye-rolling and exasperated sighs. Everyone knows how much he truly loves his teammate.And no matter what Kane does, Toews will always be his bro.